Women protagonists in the era of digital transformation - ITS Solutions
Mujeres protagonistas en la era de la transformación digital

A milestone was reached…

Combining female leadership as an engine that drives and promotes the digital transformation of organizations is a long-overdue bet.


The growth of women facing challenges in leadership and strategic management positions in organizations has undoubtedly been a challenge we needed to face to have healthier and more balanced companies.

While leadership is not about gender power, both are necessary to lead teams. Today, more than ever, it is essential to balance and combine attributes that women have that prove to be revealing when it comes to mobilizing culture and impacting organizational results.

Before, we were far from thinking that, to an educational extent, there could be women who wanted to study careers related to technology because they were considered men’s professions. Likewise, these would have been represented mainly by male power at strategic positions. However, to the good fortune of women and organizations, this behavior has been fading. Today, more women are daring to assume leadership positions and contribute to the digital transformation of the business world with full knowledge and certainty.

Technology is given to the service of humanity, and its raison d’être is to create memorable experiences and facilitate people’s lives regardless of gender. This is why it becomes an essential tool for the new generations who are permanent technology users and could not imagine their lives without this great resource at their service. Also, this is why today, we are seeing more and more women interested in training in technology, innovation, and leadership professions. Although it is worth clarifying that the challenge is still great, and the gender inequality gap is significant.

Far from talking about feminist leadership or women’s liberation, it is to understand that the power represented by each gender is necessary and fundamental to contribute to the growth of organizations and to generate disruption of traditional concepts or methods. When discussing peers at the hierarchical level in both genders, we find fascinating criteria and decisions specific to each gender.

The woman, by nature, preserves her intuition, inner strength, decision, and character to face with love and firmness the situations that arise. The man, in his turn, is tough, passionate, and risk-taking. And if we look at both generational profiles, we understand that they are valuable and necessary for our business, social, and labor evolution.

Thus, the new era that seeks equality and allows women’s roles to become more prominent in the workplace opens up many possibilities for us as a society and shortens the educational, hierarchical, and, therefore, economic gap.

May more women join this change and dare to “compete” in a market full of possibilities and needs for all!